
Koubaras Team

What Is an Unhealthy Organization and what to Do about it?

Every organization exists for a reason, which always has to be about serving something else. The very existence of any organization depends on that, since it is a well-defined reason that gives rise to a strong purpose. And it is exactly this purpose that drives the organization forward, thus allowing it to grow and prosper....
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Crises and Value Calls

There have to be rules, for no game is worth playing without rules. And that applies always and everywhere. After all, even the universe obeys certain rules. Rules are important for individuals, for families, for organizations and for societies as a whole and this is due to the fact that rules define how and at...
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Maximum disturbance by the Coronavirus (New Mega Disruption)

The biggest problem in modern economies and the businesses that operate within them is none other than change.At a time when technology is booming, where data is changing rapidly and discoveries are almost daily, it is impossible to imagine, let alone demand, that things will remain the same. In any case, we are living in a...
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Business adaptability

“If our reactions are not rapid and mainly effective, our path to obsolescence will be rapid” The rapid pace of change in the business landscape over the last few years means that, if our reactions are not rapid and, in the main, effective, our path to obsolescence will be so rapid that any delayed action...
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Greek companies and the hunt for lost time.

“Telecommunications and technology, which have evolved in our country in recent years, are the avenues of today and tomorrow. If you have no roads, you can’t go anywhere.” The Association of Business Executives (HSBC) recently invited me to talk about Blockchain and its business applications, in a wonderful meeting where many interesting and interesting issues...
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Nakamotos Den

Don’t miss: #blockchain #investments #cryptos
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Value investing at a “new era”

At its roots, value investing is based upon the premise that it is possible to consistently find assets that can be purchased at a discount to their true worth. The notion of value investing is made possible due to reliable valuation benchmarks that can be used to determine the true worth of any security, and the...
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Will blockchain technology “end” double entry system?

Wikipedia offers a great definition of Blockchain: “By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It is “an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way”. For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to aprotocol for inter-node communication and...
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Social media and Consumer Confidence Index

According to Wikipedia, the U.S. consumer confidence index (CCI) is an indicator designed to measure consumer confidence which is defined as the degree of optimism on the state of the economy that consumers are expressing through their activities of savings and spending. Global consumer confidence is not measured. Country by country analysis indicates huge variance around the globe. In...
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