

What Is Organizational Aging and what to Do about It?

Organizations are born in order to serve a purpose. And this purpose is in turn always about serving something else. There simply has to be a need that needs to be satisfied for an organization to be born. It is however only when the commitment of the founder to the idea overcomes his or her...
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Why Is Organizational Mission so Important and what to Do about it?

Every organization has to have a reason to exist. And this reason is always about serving somebody or something else. Its very existence depends on that. Otherwise, there would be no point for the organization to exist. The premise is very simple. If there is a need that has and that can in some way...
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What is Digital Transformation all about and what to Do about it?

The digital wave as it just all around is so strong that many have been led to speak about the fourth industrial revolution. More and more organizations of all kinds and sizes are striving to find their way in this modern environment… And this is quite understandable, since all of them need to transform themselves...
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One Day at a Time… as Opposed to Planning!

All plans will eventually fail… No matter how carefully one plans, no matter how detailed his or her plans are, no matter the quantity and the quality of the information that he or she has used in order to build them, his or her plans will eventually fail. And they will fail because there is...
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Doing business after Covid-19

From the Middle Ages when the first forms of business were identified and in 1836 when the first Societe Anonyme in Greece was founded (it was a maritime insurance company), entrepreneurship is constantly changing. Following the requirements of each era, the demand for products and services and of course the legislation, companies changed orientation and...
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The “Why” and the “How” Questions of Startups

Organizations are conceived as a result of the process of asking the fundamental question of why they should ever exist. They are therefore conceived for serving a purpose. And this purpose is essentially defined by the fact that there should be a need that has to be satisfied in some way. This does not only...
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How to Turn Companies around?

The world has become more competitive that it had ever been before. And this is a trend that is constantly accelerating. The rate of change is just so fast that companies may easily become disintegrated from their environment, lose competitiveness, decline and eventually die. Corporate leaders are more and more often called upon to save...
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Asking the Right Questions or Giving the Right Answers?

It is the belief of many, that effective managers should be able to give the right answer to every question and the right solution to every problem. They are expected to have their pockets full of them! The saying goes as follows: if somebody brinks a problem he or she is most probably an employee...
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Should a CEO Be a Prophet or a Barbarian?

Organizational leaders need to play a number of different roles, depending on their level in the organization as well as on the functional area that they lead. All those roles are required for an organization to function properly. However, not all of them can be played by a single individual, since they are simply conflicting. There are quite a few different approaches towards the definition...
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Οι μύθοι που ανατρέπονται και τα οικονομικά με… μυωπία

Το 1960, ο Theodore Levitt δημοσίευσε ένα άρθρο-σταθμό στον χώρο της διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων και ειδικότερα του μάρκετινγκ, με τον ιδιαίτερο τίτλο “Marketing Myopia”. Αυτό το εξαιρετικό δημιούργημα ενός πρωτοπόρου της σκέψης μάς οδήγησε να κάνουμε τη μεταφορά των εννοιών που πραγματεύτηκε στα ευρύτερα οικονομικά. Τα Μυωπικά Οικονομικά, λοιπόν, είναι ολοένα και περισσότερο ανεπίκαιρα, ενώ έχουν συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά που τα καθιστούν επίσης...
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